Business as usual in Galkayo town after days of trouble

Tuesday August 30, 2011 - 03:44:52 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Business as usual in Galkayo town after days of trouble

    Almost all markets in the city have been shut down for two days

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Almost all markets in the city have been shut down for two days

Galkao (Sunatimes) Business operations in Galkayo town has resumed as usual after it has been paralyzed for two days following suspicions between local area natives and none-natives who are considered in the area as ‘immigrants’ from southern Somalia.

Business stood still after local area natives rioted against people from southern Somalia, accusing them of masterminding explosions that have rocked the city in the recent weeks.

Almost all markets in the city have been shut down for two days in fear of confrontations between the two groups.

Local administration pleaded with the local area natives, urging them to calm down as they will intervene the situation.

Normalcy has now returned to all markets as they were today overwhelmed by shoppers preparing for the Eid festival which is expected to be celebrated by tomorrow in almost all the Muslim worlds.

Security situation in northern Galkayo has been deteriorating day by day as locals pointed fingers at none-native locals either conducting business or seeking refuge in the area as security threats.

By Rooble Dirir

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