
UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs called upon the Somali interim government

0 Visits: 2091 | Saturday February 20, 2021 - 16:59:41
UAE expresses grave concern over deteriorating situation in Somalia

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The Somali Red Crescent problems -mismanagement of funds

0 Visits: 4187 | Thursday February 18, 2021 - 16:38:00 - Corruption and mismanagement of funds remain the biggest setback in meeting emergency efforts in Somalia humanitarian efforts as the United Nations announced it will require US$ 1.09 billion to provide life-saving assistance to Somalis this year.

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Coronovirus is back in Somalia - Samia Solemian has died in Martine Hospital

0 Visits: 2335 | Tuesday February 16, 2021 - 05:21:51
An old friend of mine, Samia Solemian Sh. Nur has died this morning in Martine Hospital in Mogadishu for Coronovirus. Having lived in England over forty years, Allah granted her to die the same hospital she was borne and to be buried among her nation. Samia was human rights activist and was the daughter…

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Somalia in Post-Farmajo Turbulent Presidency

0 Visits: 2352 | Sunday February 14, 2021 - 12:26:48 - On February 8, 2021, the Federal Republic of Somalia (FRS) descended into leadership crisis after the members of the federal parliament and president Farmajo lost the mandate to govern because of the end of their terms in office on December 27, 2020 and February 7, 2021 respectively.…

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Somalia: Flocking A dead Horse

0 Visits: 4491 | Wednesday February 10, 2021 - 11:06:42 - Somalis everywhere are following very closely the political crises in Somalia. There are two camps emerging. One group consisting of regional leaders, the Council of presidential candidates, the speaker of Upper house, a group of MPs and civil society's groups. They believe that…

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Somalia:Time Will Tell Farmaajo !!

0 Visits: 3466 | Monday February 08, 2021 - 11:21:24 - The term of the president finishes today. Many people have been waiting for this day to dawn. The president was sworn in on 8th of February 2017. The draft institutions limits his term for four years. Unfortunately, the draft constitution itself expired 31st of December despite, what…

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Sudan's Military kills 'Dozens' of Ethiopian Soldiers, Captures Others

0 Visits: 2527 | Saturday February 06, 2021 - 10:19:56 - Sudan's army regained control of an Ethiopian settlement inside the Sudanese border following clashes with Ethiopian forces and militias in Al-Fasha Al-Saghra on Thursday, which resulted in casualties on both sides. Military sources told the Sudan Tribune website that the army managed…

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Al-Shabaab to Issue Report Card of Somalia's President as Term Ends

0 Visits: 7133 | Thursday February 04, 2021 - 12:21:40 - The Al-Qaeda-linked militant group Al-Shabaab said on Wednesday that it will release a report card of Somalia's incumbent president Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, whose four year term expires next week.

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Somalia: No preconditions

0 Visits: 2274 | Thursday February 04, 2021 - 12:08:02 - Somalis in very region are thankful for the International Community in their relentless effort of bringing about this important meeting between President Farmaajo and the Federal State leaders. The meeting is an outcome of their shuttled diplomacy and hardworking after long standing…

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Somalia: Call For National Conference

0 Visits: 2112 | Thursday February 04, 2021 - 12:05:07 - The participants of Dusamareb 4 cannot and will not agree the objective of this meeting. The objective of the meeting is to come up ideas and action plan on how to hold free and fair election in this country. No body on his own can dictate or force others his point of view. If that is…

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Somalia faces troubled national election as time runs out

0 Visits: 2316 | Tuesday February 02, 2021 - 05:46:16 - As Somalia marks three decades since a dictator fell and chaos engulfed the country the government is set to hold a troubled national election. Or is it?

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Farmaajo calls for meeting with federal states over poll stalemate

0 Visits: 2353 | Tuesday February 02, 2021 - 05:40:35 - Somalia President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo has called for an urgent meeting with federal state leaders in the latest attempt to agree on a common electoral calendar.

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The U.S. Should Sanction Somalia's President for Human Trafficking

0 Visits: 2248 | Tuesday February 02, 2021 - 05:32:35 - The parents began gathering in Mogadishu's streets on Jan. 20. Soon, reports began trickling in about similar protests in other towns and cities across the country. The spark was an acknowledgment made by Abdisalan Yusuf Guled, the former deputy head of Somalia's National Intelligence…

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Fugitive President of Ethiopia's Tigray Vows 'Extended Resistance'

0 Visits: 2224 | Tuesday February 02, 2021 - 03:14:28 - Ethiopia's Tigray forces are committed to "extended resistance", according to an audio message purporting to be from its leader, who accused federal government troops and their allies of rape and looting.

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Ethiopia: Invincible Defense Tech is an Effective Strategy to Combat Ethnic Tensions

0 Visits: 2653 | Tuesday February 02, 2021 - 02:59:15 - Military experts recommend the brain-based technology called Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) which incorporates practices of non-religious Transcendental MeditationĀ® (TMĀ®) to quell violence and bring about peace in the Horn of Africa Country,

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Ethiopia: a proposal for ending violence

0 Visits: 3587 | Tuesday February 02, 2021 - 02:51:46
An Effective National Strategy to Combat Ethnic Tensions in Ethiopia By Arlene J. Schar and Dr. David Leffler -While the ongoing Tigray conflict continues to be fueled by high ethnic tensions, there is available an ideal method to calm tensions, end the prolonged violence, and prevent…

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Qatar issues statement on case of young Somalis tricked into fighting in Eritrea

0 Visits: 2794 | Tuesday February 02, 2021 - 02:39:22 - Anger as several young Somali men who had been told they'd been offered jobs as security men in Qatar only to be sent to fight in a war in Eritrea. Doha demands an investigation. A Somali man who's family though was working as a security guard in Qatar was found dead in Eritrea,…

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Somalia: The Great military Chief

0 Visits: 2326 | Monday February 01, 2021 - 09:53:02 - For the last thirty years many people were killed in the Somali violence. Fathers, mothers, grand fathers, grand mothers and children as little as infants were lost needlessly. In the Islamic and Somali cultures, it is forbidden to harm or kill women, children, religious leaders and…

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Anger in Somalia as sons secretly sent to serve in Eritrea military force

0 Visits: 1757 | Friday January 29, 2021 - 09:32:50 - Ali Jamac Dhoodi thought his son was working as a security guard in Qatar, helping prepare for next year's soccer World Cup. Then one day last April, officials from Somalia's National Intelligence Agency arrived with $10,000 in cash. They told him his son had died - not in Qatar,…

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Qatar market 'greatly welcomes' Somali products, says chamber official

0 Visits: 2269 | Friday January 29, 2021 - 07:42:50 - Officials from Qatar Chamber and Somalia's Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs held a meeting yesterday in Doha to discuss ways to enhance economic and commercial relations.

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