
Somalia:Dahabshiil Battles in Court: An interview with a Sister of slain Singer

0 Visits: 6157 | Tuesday March 15, 2016 - 00:17:27
A Somali British based in Bristol UK Mr's Suad Ali Warsame, a sister of Sado Ali Warsame talks with Waagacusub TV about the Dahabshiil's emissaries to silence the case of Mrs. Warsame. Below is the transcription of the interview.

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Internet Censorship in Somalia: Blocking websites is a threat to the free speech

0 Visits: 6720 | Thursday February 25, 2016 - 12:00:58
Mogadishu: Somali authorities shut this week more than 30 websites critical to the Federal government, including Waagacusub Media.

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Disdain for civil liberties and respect for rule of law continues unabated in Somalia

0 Visits: 6012 | Thursday February 25, 2016 - 02:46:07
The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) expresses outrage over continued attempts by the Ministry of Information of the Federal Government of Somalia to try to capture and control the leadership of the union, as well as manipulate some media managers in order to advance its agenda of trying…

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Somaliland's Dangerous Proxy War in Somalia

0 Visits: 9830 | Friday February 19, 2016 - 06:51:53
Al-Shabaab Training Camps in Somaliland There are al-Shabaab-run training facilities and improvised-explosive factories in Somaliland. They range from small facilities hidden within compounds in Hargeisa and Burco that build the devices, too much larger 'IED factories' which double as training…

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Somalia: The Nexus between Somaliland and Al-Shabaab

0 Visits: 10141 | Tuesday February 16, 2016 - 01:55:52
Former al-Shabaab operatives confirmed that the Somaliland Intelligence was represented on the al-Shabaab leadership council, known as the Shura, and the Security Council. Indeed, the agency appears to have circumscribed the al-Shabaab's strategic autonomy.

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Somalia:Video Top secret of Airplane bomber - Somaliland -Shabaab ? 16F Seat -Ticket Angola

0 Visits: 8473 | Tuesday February 16, 2016 - 01:51:43
The Waagacusub Media reported that according to U.S investigators, the suspected bomber, who was blown out of the Daallo airlines applied for his Somali passport online from Hargeisa.

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A Somali Norwegian Intelligence Service transfers money from Emirates

0 Visits: 31673 | Sunday January 24, 2016 - 18:54:26 -Somali entrepreneurs in Emirates and Kenya are complaining against a man named Col Musab Abdullahi who is believed to be a member of the Norway's secret intelligence of NIS.

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NUSOJ outraged by CPJ's False, Misleading Statement

0 Visits: 11794 | Sunday January 10, 2016 - 12:49:19
The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) expressed outrage over the statement made by Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) falsely citing and quoting NUSOJ.

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Somalia:US Money-Transferring Firm Sued for Funding Assassinations by Al-Shabab

1 Visits: 8249 | Monday December 14, 2015 - 03:46:05
The son of a Somali singer and political activist who was slain by Al-Shabab insurgents is suing a money-transferring firm with a subsidiary headquarters in Minnesota for allegedly putting a multi-million dollar bounty on his mother's head.

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Somalia: Dahabshiil is a Gold smelter." or "blood smelter"

0 Visits: 8843 | Sunday December 13, 2015 - 06:29:15
Dahabshiil has for some time been closely associated with al-Shabaab, and it is a longtime financial supporter of the group and its terrorist activities. For example, according to a United Nations report, Dahabshiil financed "a large scale assassination operation" in Mogadishu by the Amniyat,…

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Son of slain Somali political activist sues Dahabshiil money-transfer over bounty

0 Visits: 7542 | Saturday December 12, 2015 - 18:36:13
Case alleges that big money-transfer firm helped fund the killers.

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Somalia:A lawsuit against Dahabshiil -terror funds USA Court

2 Visits: 11657 | Friday December 11, 2015 - 07:35:26 - The son of a slain Somali protest singer claims in Federal Court that a British money-transfer company bankrolled his mother's assassination and other al-Shabaab terror.

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Somalia:US- National acts as a bridge between Daesh/ISIL and SFG

0 Visits: 8656 | Tuesday December 08, 2015 - 00:07:17 - An American citizen Salad Elmi is creating secret entrepreneurs of Daesh/ISIl within the Somali Federal Government SFG according to reliable sources.

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Somalia and the terrorist -By Abdiaziz "Afrika"

1 Visits: 11367 | Sunday December 06, 2015 - 19:50:04
Somalia has been for a period of longtime battling with terror movement which has connection with Alqaida [Alshabab].

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Sir Culus -Ururadda Xaquuqul Insaanka Somalilan oo shirweyne u tegaya Xamar "Midnimadii Somalia oo dib u soo laabatay"

0 Visits: 13867 | Friday November 27, 2015 - 17:07:13
Sir muhiima oo helay ayaa shaaca ka qaaday iney Ururadda Xaquuqul insaanka Somaliland badankood Muqdisho u tegayaan shirweyne ujeedkiisu yahay in dib loo qaato Midnimadii Somalia.

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Somalia:Hassan Shire, a human rights defender or clan chauvinist who backs corruption ?

0 Visits: 6959 | Thursday November 26, 2015 - 23:36:23 - His name is Hassan Shire and he hails from Abgaal sub-clan of Hawiye.

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Somalia Warning:Hassan Shire's planned Journalists Assassination

0 Visits: 6654 | Thursday November 26, 2015 - 02:26:30 - Credible information obtained from trustworthy source indicate that assassination attempt, organized and supervise by Hassan Shire, head of Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project , will take place by the end of January.

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Somalia's Minister rejects an order from the Attorney General to shut down 35 Websites

0 Visits: 4012 | Tuesday November 17, 2015 - 14:53:40 - Somalia's Minister of postal and telecommunications rejected a request to shut down at least 35 websites over defamation and ethics from the Government's acting Attorney General at a ministerial meeting on Saturday.

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Topnews:- Wariyahii weynaa oo ku geeriyooday Jigjiga kadib markii la sumeeyay?

0 Visits: 6031 | Tuesday November 17, 2015 - 10:05:06 Canab Xasan Cawke oo la dhalatay allaha u naxariistee Wariyahii Soomaaliyeed Axmed Xasan Cawke ayaa sheegtay iney xalay telefoon ka heshay walaalkeed Axmed Xasan Cawke oo ku yiri "Neefta ayaa i dhibeeysa,hadda ayaana isku arkayaa xanuunkaan cusub"

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Uganda:Somali Embassy staff accused of abetting Shabaab's regional movement

0 Visits: 4626 | Saturday November 14, 2015 - 05:39:38
High senior officials entered into South Sudan by way of Uganda, Kampala News reports on Wednesday.

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