Somali Terrorists financing the overthrow Ugandan President.

Thursday March 25, 2021 - 19:48:20 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Somali Terrorists financing the overthrow Ugandan President. - Al-Shabab Terrorists in Somalia are paying huge amount of money to overthrow the Ugandan President,Gen. Yoweri Museveni from power. Important information obtained from Amniyat officials of Al Shabab and businessmen financing them su

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus - Al-Shabab Terrorists in Somalia are paying huge amount of money to overthrow the Ugandan President,Gen. Yoweri Museveni from power. Important information obtained from Amniyat officials of Al Shabab and businessmen financing them suggest that the terror group and opposition of Museveni agreed to work on removal of Ugandan forces from AMISOM peacekeepers in Somalia if Museveni is overthrown from power.

Some of the oil companies belonging to western diplomats are financing instability in Uganda in order to remove Museveni from power.  Experts say "Museveni is not like Al Bashir or Qaddafi.  He is not the president of Uganda alone, but he has influence on South Sudan, Congo, Burundi, Central African Republic, Rwanda and Somalia”.  Gen Museveni deployed forces to these countries in order to save them.  Intellectuals call him the only Pan-Africanist Leader.

The people in Uganda love their president because he restored Kingdoms e.g Buganda Kingdom, who had fled the country during the  Idi Amin dictatorial leadership.  He provided justice to 45 Ugandan tribes whose number is more than 40 million people.  

Somalia would not have survived the danger of the terrorists if he did not send his UPDF forces.

It was 1992 when General Museveni visited Mogadishu during the civil War, and he described Uganda as a patient recovering from pain, adding that his country is the fourth in the continent with the most refugees displaced.  

Some African diplomats accused the US ambassador to Uganda to have instigated the destruction of Syria, and now assisting the individuals with the secret deal with terrorist in order to destroy a beautiful Uganda.  Some western diplomats could mistakenly judge Museveni who is also called "the peace maker and father of Africa” because he is a leader with deep knowledge about  politics and security.

The western attack against Syria was destroyed in a beautiful country, killed and displaced in millions, but they faced setbacks.  Russia helped president Bashar Al Assad.  Similarly, they’ll gain loss in Uganda.  Experts believe that President Museveni will win his enemies who are currently being used by terrorists and elements in the Catholic church.

By James Alexander


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