Farmaajo signs resolution allocating Mogadishu 13 seats in the Senate

Friday January 29, 2021 - 04:07:47 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Farmaajo signs resolution allocating Mogadishu 13 seats in the Senate - President Mohamed Farmaajo has signed a resolution allocating 13 seats to Banaadir region in effect expanding the Senate from 54 to 67 members. Villa Somalia said Thursday the president assented to a resolution passed by the Lower Ho

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus - President Mohamed Farmaajo has signed a resolution allocating 13 seats to Banaadir region in effect expanding the Senate from 54 to 67 members. Villa Somalia said Thursday the president assented to a resolution passed by the Lower House last June which sought to create representation for Banadir region which encompasses the capital Mogadishu in the Federal Parliament.
Banaadir region which is the most populous region in the country has been without representation in the Senate. Farmaajo appealed to the Lower House last year to pass a resolution which would allow Banaadir’s representation in the Senate.
However, the signing of the resolution today which happened the same day both Jubbaland and Puntland announced their respective electoral teams is likely to fuel more battles with the two states which had vehemently opposed the resolution.
The presidents of the two states today called for a joint conference in Mogadishu bringing together the Federal Government and the Federal Member States to iron out pending issues ahead of the elections.

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