Saudi Arabia informed its citizens to avoid Somalia

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    Saudi Arabia informed its citizens to avoid Somalia

    New Somalia. As the tenure of Somalia's administration is coming to end in three weeks time, many countries including the United States are reviewing their policies towards Somalia. The incoming US administration is recommended to reverse Pres

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New Somalia. As the tenure of Somalia's administration is coming to end in three weeks time, many countries including the United States are reviewing their policies towards Somalia. The incoming US administration is recommended to reverse President Tramps decision to withdraw troops from there. It has been cited that the withdrawal comes at a time when Somalia is political crises.
Many Somalis are worried about the instability to compromise the relative peace in the country and civil government to disintegrate if the constitutional and the political crises are not solved peacefully. They are also worried the decisions of other countries tightening travel to Somalia. That is likely to affect the business and employment. For whatever the reasons,  Saudi Arabia informed its citizens to avoid Somalia. United Emirates had a policy of banning other Muslim countries including Somalia for some time. There are other countries doing their own reviews in private including the republic of Djibouti.
A similarly, it is clear that other countries are watching out their interest when it comes to Somalia, It is about time  that Somalia to reshape its  future and sort out their problems once for all. To make it crystal clear that Somalia today needs to become a new Somalia which can map out its interest in the short and long run with its little resources and expertise.
Enough have been said all other things but little has been said about the future of this country in the eyes of Somalis.  There are  a number of new study centres in the country including the heritage Institute which pointed out the failure of successive governments including this one. At least, the institute opened up a good debate what be done is up to Somalis from different walks of life. Four groups  are important for the  new Somalia enterprise:
1. The  civil society groups led by the legitimate leaders of all Somali clans. For the last thirty years of the civil war, many fake traditional leaders came to the scene  and they destroyed the traditional role of the real leaders of Somali clan system. Incompetent politicians had a role in it. But this time is not  a time to name or  shame any one. It is time to have a fresh look at the core the Somali chronic clan problem. All clan leaders ought to unite and bring about a common  stand for the good of Somalia. This group ought to put in the public pay roll. Their main role is to bring about a true reconciliation.
2. The second group is the politicians of every colour and persuasion has to form a united front who are capable to manage the affairs of Somali people in unison. These people ought to be appointed on merit by a body of expertise. There are a large number of incompetent so called politicians who can not think outside of personal interest. For the last decades, the Somalis have seen how destructive this group could be. They can not and will not be a part of the new Somalia. They have nothing to offer whatsoever. The quicker this group is neutralised the quicker Somalia will become successful.  
The rest of politicians have to unite and work a common course. Cut these unnecessary and unrepresentative individuals running for office.  The politicians whether they like it or not, they  out to have a clear policy and a clear candidate. Everyone can not be a president, there are many important posts within the government institutions. That can satisfy every able politician who have useful policies.
3. The group is the youth of this country. They are the largest group in the society and at the same tine they are the future of this nation. They ought to understand with out their influence thus country can not have a bright  future for all.  This group can play an important role in bringing out a sustainable peace in this country and they are the direct beneficiaries of a new Somalia. The ought to stand to be a force for the good of Somali nation. 
Knowledge, experience and technical know how are the tools needed by the youth. The real traditional leaders, politicians and the youth can bring foster a good collaboration to reach short term and long term objectives for the good of the country. These three groups ought to understand that women should be given a lions share in the futures of Somalia.
4. The fourth group is the most important foundation of the society in real sense. They have a good influence in every household of the Somali society. Their traditional position in every field in Somalia is permanent. The traditional leaders ought to give a leading roles to this group. In the modern world, women workforce is necessary for human development. The Somali women are not different. They are  known in their contributions in education, in health, in business and all other activities, why not politics. They ought to be given their full share in politics without a fuss. 
Analysts believe that the future of  Somali stability lies the collective work of these groups in the  Somali civil society. They aye the real stakeholders who can bring about  the new  Somalia which takes its frightful  place among nations. The influential countries like the US who are  evolved  and spent funds in helping Somalia,  has to work with the real stakeholders who can initiate  a sustainable peace.  Then other important aspects like development, trade relations and resource sharing will become reality for all.
One thing is for sure the Somalia today is far more sophisticated  and different from old Somalia, they can only be helped in their own terms. The time of experimental peace is over. The end.
By Mohamed Mohamud Adde 
The author is an academic and an Independent Somali Political Analyst who is based in Mogadishu.

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