Somalia: Squandering Opportunities

Friday January 15, 2021 - 18:17:30 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Somalia: Squandering Opportunities

    Somalia needs a leadership who can deliver the necessary services of the government to the public and at the same time enjoys the support of other institutions within the government, the federal member states who are important component in Somali fed

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Somalia needs a leadership who can deliver the necessary services of the government to the public and at the same time enjoys the support of other institutions within the government, the federal member states who are important component in Somali federal system and the general public from every quarter from Somali society inside and outside the country.
The government officials are supposed to be public servants who leading the way for service delivery. A country like Somalia, because of the bitter experience  of the prolonged civil war, politicians ought to be careful in their management in public affairs and avoid any form of policy which can alienate some sectors of the society.
The constitution and rule of law are the only documents which can be used as the rule books for implementing the necessary government policies  fairly across the board. Any other means is bound to fail miserably. 
The previous Somali administrations with their  limited resources were at least seen to have been accountable by the majority of the Somali people. They had made serious mistakes including the incompletion of the draft constitution and  not appointing important  constitutional commissions which could have helped the government to be accountable. 
At least, they knew that their work were not perfect, but they managed the country satisfactorily  and  engaged and consulted in every step in the way with the public. Eventually, they transferred power peacefully in a dignified manner when their time of office ran out.
In the case of the current government, it was expected to build on what had been achieved in previous governments in terms of policy development and service delivery in consultation with other important institutions  within the government and other important stakeholders like the federal states.  
Critics say that this government can be compared with the other governments for many reasons. This administration has been alleged to have  perused a policy of undermining other government institutions and  stakeholders which it is supposed to have a good collaboration and working relationship.  
The Critics believe that president Farmaajo is expected to lead a government of the people, given how the Somali people welcomed him, but that expectation has been dashed. That is why the public see him as a lame duck who can not be re-elected to office  again or many doubt that he is able to hand over the power competently, despite his ambition to get another term.
Analyst think that lessons can be learned  from this government by inspiring politicians. Politicians should know that they are nothing but public servants and every policy they implement  ought to be in line with the constitution and add value to public service. They ought not to try to fool themselves by imagining unrealistic dreams of doing things their own way. That is not a good governance.
Many in the leadership of the civil society groups say that the policy of this government is not in line with  the drafted Somali constitution and it is very difficult to implement it on the ground, because the public see the incompetence of the officials in the government clearly. For example, the officials of current administration are determined to hold disputed election which is likely to cause problems to all.  What worries everyone in the country is that in reality these officials don't have the  blessing of public and they don't care.
It is a concern for all that they are leading the country into disastrous situation. They refused to change course when they are recommended to do so by the public and International Community who have been supportive in Somalia's effort in national institution building.
The civil society say, that is a good example of  bad governance where officials are not  delivering the  public services  according to rule of law, but they are, indeed, dictating unlawful instructions in every opportunity. It is fair to underline that this government squandered a good opportunity and wasted time and resources. The end.
By Mohamed Mohamud Adde 
The author is an academic and an Independent Somali Political Analyst who is based in Mogadishu.

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