Somalia can learn a free lesson from the political crises of the biggest democratic nation

Thursday January 14, 2021 - 06:33:59 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Somalia can learn a free lesson from the political crises of the biggest democratic nation

    Free Lesson for Somalia. - Somalia, Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan have seen the result of political violence. The people of those countries are flabbergasted what is unfolding the seat of government in the most powerful nation on

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Free Lesson for Somalia. - Somalia, Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan have seen the result of political violence. The people of those countries are flabbergasted what is unfolding the seat of government in the most powerful nation on earth. In an effort to control the damage caused to the reputation of the US that some members of President Donald Trump's cabinet opened discussion on the possibility of removing Trump from office after his supporters stormed the Capitol, according to reports by three US news channels. The discussions focused on the 25th amendment to the US Constitution, which allows for a president's removal by the vice president and cabinet if he is judged "(unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.)"
Invoking it would require Vice President Michael Pence to lead the cabinet in a vote on removing him. The US media quoted unnamed Republican leaders saying the 25th amendment had been discussed, saying they had described Trump as "out of control. 
It's unclear how extensive these conversations have been or whether Vice President Mike Pence is supportive of such action. Many were horrified by the violence at the Capitol Hill.
Back to the main point, Somalia can learn a good and free lesson from the political crises of the biggest democratic nation in the world:
No matter what camp of American politics one supports when it comes to the interest of the country and upholding the constitution, the majority of the American people  support the peaceful power transfer.
Undoubtedly, the political crises of the United States will soon be over and the rule of law will be restored... It is not an attempt of denying that the damage caused  to the credibility  of the democratic system of USA. It is unprecedented and enormous, but that fact is that they have a mechanism to put right what went wrong, and soon solution will be agreed to sort out their differences. It is sad that lives were lost when the Capitol Hill was ransacked, but many people are hopeful that the perpetrators of the violence will be accounted when the dust settles.
In the case of Somalia, the people ought to understand the interest of the country and the interest of the current leadership are not aligned. A situation like that the loyalty always lies with the interest of the Somali Nation. A slogan of patriotism is not necessarily mean that  the party one supports is right. What is right is that the constitution and law of land should be supported and anyone out from that framework ought be held accountable for his or her actions... the country should remain peaceful regardless of the  party one supports or the government of the day. That is the true sense of patriotism.
Analysts believe that the people who work in civil services, legal services  and security  services have to safeguard the interest of the country.  The biggest responsibility is on their shoulders. They ought to learn the professionalism of their counterparties in the United States of America. Some might say the the United States of America and a broken nation like Somalia can not be compared. 
When it comes to the crunch, it is not a comparison, it is more like that the Somalis, given their violent history, should learn the unfolding crisis of the US and the professionalism of the civil services, legal services and security services there in dealing with, what otherwise could have been, a very difficult crises. 
It is wise to mimic the effective crises management of America... Somalia needs THAT right now. Yes, the US is in unchartered political territory  which Somalia have had a good experience of ... and that is tragic, but Somalis have expertise in political violence than any other nation in the world except Afghanistan. They (the Somalis) should know better and never allow violence to reignite in their county ever again under their watch.
Somalia should have  responsible people who can steer away the country from violent tendency. It is a collective responsibility which can not be taken lightly. The civil society groups should lead that effort  because they are the true representatives of Somali people in true sense. The end.
By Mohamed Mohamud Adde.
The author is an academic and an independent Somali Political

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