Somalia:Disintegration or Parallel process

Thursday January 14, 2021 - 06:29:29 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Somalia:Disintegration or Parallel process

    The working relationship between the federal government and its member states is getting irreconcilable over the upcoming elections. Especially, Puntland and Jubaland. Inter clan and intra security violence relating to political disagreement and la

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The working relationship between the federal government and its member states is getting irreconcilable over the upcoming elections. Especially, Puntland and Jubaland. Inter clan and intra security violence relating to political disagreement and land dispute have led to civilian deaths, injuries and displacement in Galmudug, Hirshabelle and South west when government appointees were selected as regional presidents...
Many believe those leaders dont enjoy the local support, but government props up  their  respective administrations with brute force. That is way  that government has announced boldly its plan to hold elections  in those regions without a political agreement with other stakeholders. 
There are accusations that the government has sent troops to Hiiraan, Galgaduud and Gedo regions to help  president Farmaajo to be re-elected. Some say that troops will play a big part in rigging the elections there.   The government denies the allegations of its critics.
It is important to note that the council of presidential candidates voiced their concern over the illegality  of the government action and they called the president and his team to cease these provocative  steps and hold meeting with real stakeholders including the opposition groups - implying the council of presidential candidates -  so that an all inclusive political decision might be reached to conduct fair and free elections.
Many questions were raised the viability of elections held by a disputed election committee. Many people expected that government will compromise eventuality on that issue, but  things seem to be getting more complicated now. It is clear that the government and  the opposition groups can not bring about any new ideas to the table which can help elections to be held in an all inclusive way, short of threat of violence.
Analysts believe that the status quo can not continue as it stands and the deadlock has to be broken. It is  government’s interest  and its duty to seek a compromise and reach some form of settlement with other stakeholders. If it that can not happen in time, a parallel process will be initiated by the opposition and that surely can not be the interest of Somali people.  Then, that is likely to lead two parliaments and two presidents to be elected.
The critics think that the Somalia is on the brink of a complete meltdown. They reckon that Puntland will announce its secession from the rest of the country like Somaliland. Hiiraan State and Banadir state will be formed in the process and that is the end of Somali federal experiment. 
All stakeholders had been complaining about the government  intransigence which was not ready in addressing  their concern. The Somali people  are witness who have experienced an extended political violence over the years and its their last choice  to see their country to disintegrate. The civil society groups,  who speak on their behalf, have been campaigning  to mediate the government and opposition groups with no avail. they want a peaceful solution to the current impasse, they want neither a parallel process nor a goverment disintegration. This group is seen to be reasonable by all.
It is about time  that the International community to interfere the Somali internal affairs in order to help the parties to sort out the crises before it is too late, as it is clear to all that the Somali institutions have failed to manage the country according to the constitution... It is also self- evident that the oppositions can not be expected to trust this government which they have accused human rights abuses,  power abuse and oppression. Their threat of holding a parallel process can not be ignored. It is not a secret any more that they can ask their election commitee to conduct elections in the same regional states if the government holds elections on its own first without the consultation of all other real stakeholders
It is only fair  and the ripe moment to introduce new ideas. It is workable alternative that the election management authority to be transferred to civil society groups, who can appoint all inclusive committee, because they are the only entity that can give legitimacy to the electoral process. Anything else is waste of time and resources. the End.
By Mohamed Mohamud Adde
The author is an academic and an Independent Somali Political Analyst who is based in Mogadishu

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