Somali security firm awarded $8m UN contract

Thursday January 07, 2021 - 15:42:47 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Somali security firm awarded $8m UN contract

    A Somali security firm has clinched a lucrative deal with the UN billed as one of the most costly contracts awarded to local companies.

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A Somali security firm has clinched a lucrative deal with the UN billed as one of the most costly contracts awarded to local companies. Sources privy to the deal has told Duguf Enterprises Security Services has been awarded an $8 million deal with UN Support Office for Somalia (UNSOS).


The contract entails provision of mobile protection services for the UN country office. UNSOS  was established in 2015 to provide critical support to AMISOM, UNSOM and the Somali Federal Security Institutions.

Duguf has in past secured contracts with various UN Agencies in Somalia including UNDP, UNICEF and FAO among others.

The contract, sources said, will last for three years. The company was founded in 2009 by former TV journalist Abdullahi Farah Duguf.

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