SRCS Somalia President Stealing aid funds is making personal wealthy for greedy

Saturday January 02, 2021 - 13:51:27 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    SRCS Somalia President Stealing aid funds is making personal wealthy for greedy

    If the poorest person in Somalia is given a job by aid agency he or she will be very wealthy in shortest possible time. One of the example is the Red Cross and Red Crescent societies where the unsuspecting donor funds are diverted for a personal enri

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If the poorest person in Somalia is given a job by aid agency he or she will be very wealthy in shortest possible time. One of the example is the Red Cross and Red Crescent societies where the unsuspecting donor funds are diverted for a personal enrichment.

The organisation created several wealthy business  people that own property in Somalia and United Arab Emirates.
The list  of suspects in the above mentioned dirt deals  we will start with Yusuf Hassan of the Red Cross/crescent  to publish this wealth and shadowy business run by  family members and friends.

The article will focus how he become rich, his legal income and expat friends that collaborate and his diversion of fund in the next edition.
Other six aid worker who diverted aid for personal use will follow in several aid agencies. 

Long time SRCS Board Corruption .

President: Mr. Yusuf Hassan MOHAMED (ABGAAL)
Vice-President: Gen. Ahmed JAMA
Secretary General: Vacant Position (Majeerten)
Coordinator for South Central and Puntland, Mogadishu: Mr Mohamed Ahmed MOHAMED(ABGAAL)
Somaliland Coordinator, Hargeisa: Mr Ahmed Abdi BAKEL(Isaaq)
Director of Organizational Development and Communication: Mr Abdulkadir Ibrahim "Afi" HAJI. ( Jareer)
Somaliland Head of Finance, Hargeisa: Mrs Faisa Hassan YOUSUF(Isaaq)
Head of Finance South Central and Puntland, Mogadishu: Mr Bille Siad SAMATAR( majeerteen)
Focal Point FDRS : Mr Abdulkadir Ibrahim "Afi” HAJI (Jareer)

This will be a massive report on aid stealing from the needy people by Waagacusub Media.

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