Ethiopia is Atlantis! - undisputed proof

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    Ethiopia is Atlantis! - undisputed proof

    The great Ethiopian or Cushite Empire, which in the earliest ages pre‐ vailed, as Mr. Rawlinson says," from the Caucasus to the Indian Ocean, from the shores of the Mediterranean to the mouth of the Ganges," was the empire of Dionysos the

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The great Ethiopian or Cushite Empire, which in the earliest ages pre‐ vailed, as Mr. Rawlinson says," from the Caucasus to the Indian Ocean, from the shores of the Mediterranean to the mouth of the Ganges," was the empire of Dionysos the empire of "Ad," the empire of Atlantis, p.278 - Donnelly. How could such a bold statement, the great Ethiopian or Cushite Empire was the empire of Atlantis, be made without popular dispute or contention? For over 138 years, has Donnelly's statement ever been proven untrue? If there is no disproof or doubt, shouldn't it therefore be safe enough to repeat the gist of what Donnelly is say‐ ing - The great Ethiopian or Cushite Empire, was the empire of Atlantis. If no one has been able to prove what Donnelly said un‐ true, and no countries have been known to share empire, the only way the great Ethiopian or Cushite Empire can be the empire of At‐ lantis is when they are the same people. It must be therefore ac‐ cepted that Ethiopia is Atlantis!
The truth you find in this work will positively astound you!
Gaining satisfaction, please make this gift to the world go viral.
Many established historical references are provided which undoubtedly say, Ethiopia is Atlantis. I immediately offer one such reference for consideration and analysis, as we prepare to begin.
The great Ethiopian or Cushite Empire, which in the earliest ages pre‐ vailed, as Mr. Rawlinson says," from the Caucasus to the Indian Ocean, from the shores of the Mediterranean to the mouth of the Ganges," was the empire of Dionysos the empire of "Ad," the empire of Atlantis, p.278 - Donnelly.
How could such a bold statement, the great Ethiopian or Cushite Empire was the empire of Atlantis, be made without popular dispute or contention? For over 138 years, has Donnelly's statement ever been proven untrue? If there is no disproof or doubt, shouldn't it therefore be safe enough to repeat the gist of what Donnelly is say‐ ing - The great Ethiopian or Cushite Empire, was the empire of Atlantis. If no one has been able to prove what Donnelly said un‐ true, and no countries have been known to share empire, the only way the great Ethiopian or Cushite Empire can be the empire of At‐ lantis is when they are the same people. It must be therefore ac‐ cepted that Ethiopia is Atlantis!
I offer more of the numerous parallels which undoubtedly say Ethiopia is Atlantis. Not only is the immediate following offered as a parallel, it is also proof of Poseidon's (sea-god) ethnicity:
Ancient Africans yoked the wild ox, tamed the cow, the horse and sheep, p.56 - Houston.
Poseidon, the first king of Atlantis ... "He was the first to train and em‐ ploy horses" that is to say, his people first domesticated the horse, p.304 - Donnelly.
Poseidon, Neptune, is represented in Greek mythology as a sea-god, p.25 - Donnelly.
A study of the images of ancient deities of both the Old and New Worlds re‐ veal their Ethiopic origin, p.16 - Jackson.
Ethiopia and Egypt produced the earliest civilization in the world and it was indigenous ... there is nothing beyond Egypt and Ethiopia but Africa", p.599 - Massey.
The god Bel of the legend was the Baal of the Phoenicians, who, as we shall show, were of Atlantean origin, p.83 - Donnelly.
M. de Bohn tells us in Early Cushite Navigation, that the Cushite Ethiopians in primitive ages were a commercial people. It was due to their conquest of the sea that they so early covered three continents with colonies. With their ships they had in ancient days circumnavigated the globe, bequeathing maps, charts, and nautical instruments to their cousins and successors the Phoenicians, who called themselves Ethiopians, p.169 - Houston.
Bel, with his "Atlantean origin" was therefore the god of Ethiopians, an Ethiopian god. How else could an ancient Atlanean god be the god of Ethiopians, unless Ethiopia is Atlantis!
And just in case, the Phoenicians, who, as we shall show, were of Atlantean origin, were both Ethiopians and Atlanteans. This clearly indicates Ethiopia is Atlantis!
Making a Difference
After you have read this work which demonstrates Ethiopia is At‐ lantis, chances are you may assume one of two basic positions. (1) Ethiopia is indeed Atlantis, and thus the historical references are ac‐ curate. (2) The historical evidence is inaccurate, thus destroying the proof of Ethiopia being Atlantis. Regardless of which position is ac‐ cepted, logically, I assume there will be encouragement for the perti‐ nent revision of history. Sometimes, we do not feel brave enough to be explicitly desirous of a needed change. We sometimes join other people's conversation, in pursuit. But we are not brave enough to ini‐ tiate the process to identify the needed change and start the proce‐

dure, by ourselves. A simple approach could be of tremendous worth. Open an account, using a pseudo-name if preferred, on a rep‐ utable forum. Start your conversation.
I urge you please, send a copy of this work to as many people as you practically can. If the need arises, help them to understand. But do not force your opinion on them or encourage them to see it your way. Accept my humble thanks and appreciation for your effort.
Initially I had thought of using only critical material, appropriately un‐ derlined, to build the context in proffering my arguments to show that Ethiopia is Atlantis. When I discovered the can't-ignore references, I realized they were embedded in the midst of very relevant data. Since my purpose was not to invent a wheel but effectively use what is available, I simply added the data, widening the context of my jour‐ ney. Would you be kind enough to bear that in mind. With some of the references there can be the apparent tendency for the data to overwhelm. I consider the extra data as a way to avoid you having to find works in order to expand on the reference. But it should not pre‐ vent you from heading that way. My story is written like unto that of the sumptuous Caribbean dish of rice and pigeon peas cook-up with a beef, chicken, or wild-meat stew, covered with crab and callaloo. Jah knows!

Understanding the Basics
Ptolemaic writers said that Egypt was formed of the mud carried down, from Ethiopia, that Ethiopians were the first men that ever lived ... Egypt itself was a colony of Ethiopia, p.27 - Houston.
... That the Egyptians, the oldest colony of Atlantis ... The Cushites and Ethiopians, early branches of the Atlantean stock..., p.194 - Don‐ nelly.
The Cushites and Ethiopians, early branches of the Atlantean stock
explicitly demonstrates that the Ethiopians and Atlanteans are the same people. Therefore Ethiopia is Atlantis!
Massey's statement from the Preface says Ethiopia and Egypt pro‐ duced the earliest civilization in the world. Houston's statement from below says Egypt was formed of the mud carried down, from Ethiopia. Combining the two statements says Egypt was the first colony of Ethiopia. Houston's statement from below says Ethiopians were the first men that ever lived. Donnelly's statement from the Preface, The great Ethiopian or Cushite Empire was the empire of Atlantis, when combined with Houston's statement says the Ethiopi‐ ans and Atlanteans were the first people.
From basic arithmetic, if inclined, it is easy to understand - if 5+1=6, and 4+2=6, there is at least a simple equivalence which dictates 5+1=4+2. Therefore (1) If the Ethiopians were the first men that ever lived, and early branches of the Atlantean stock, and (2) As shown, Egypt was the oldest colony of the Ethiopians, and Egypt was the oldest colony of the Atlanteans, under separate accounts, the sus‐ tained reasoning should also dictate the Ethiopians are the At‐ lanteans. Hence Ethiopia is Atlantis!
I crave your critical analysis. (1) First disbelieve my proof. (2) Estab‐ lish the authenticity of the historical facts and use them, research fur‐ 16

ther if needed. (3) Critically, satisfy yourself with the application of the facts. (4) Crucially, take the evidence and prove for yourself - Ethiopia is Atlantis!
The deeper this work went into researching Ethiopia, the more ex‐ plicit the outcomes identifying Atlantis. Without attempting to repeat, everything found written of Ethiopia also belonged to Atlantis, and vice versa. After analysis, and even awaiting the discovery if it is somewhere explicitly stated, it was virtually impossible to avoid con‐ cluding that Ethiopia is Atlantis. Initially, the intention of this work was not to prove that Ethiopia is Atlantis. This work draws attention to other people's hard work in producing the facts which have been used to demonstrate the non-negotiable truth. Its culture will have been a gentle reminder on the glory of Ethiopia. But Atlantis sur‐ faced, raising a question or two concerning Things Ethiopia.
The map on left identifies the Mid- Atlantic Ridge snaking between Afruika and the Americas. If the forces which will have separated the land-masses can be imagined to work in the opposite directions, the land-masses will be horizontally compressed to their original shapes. And the Mid-Atlantic Ridge will dis‐ appear. This can encourage the vi‐ sualization of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge being the residue from the separat‐
ing land masses of the matching coastlines.
The revelations of this work will make for uncomfortable digestion, then denial, last but not least will be the tantrum, the throwing of things, and the challenge. And not necessarily in any given order. 17
Will knowing the truth make a difference? That can form a complete debate. Look what happened to the white chap on the cross. First he was lied into existence as Jesus Christ the savior, son of a god who never existed. When the truth of Jesus Christ was made known, the chap was shamelessly left nailed to the cross, as if to be blamed for the discovery.
As one clown on a youtube page, Geoff Beresford, positioned him‐ self - "The fact that you have raised the questionable issue suggests that you have done so through some form of personal resentment re‐ garding the racial identity of the man of the period. It is quite well known that 'Jesus' wasn't his real name at the time, but I will leave it to you to discover the historically correct name by yourself. All the same, the name we have come to know this great Master by over the course of the centuries still retains enough inherent spiritual power to make such an issue of little consequence in the great scheme of things" - There never was any divine char‐ acter named Jesus Christ. There never will be. Where is the histori‐ cal evidence for a Jesus Christ? What "racial identity" can there be of someone who has never existed? Hell, the letter "J" did not come into use in words until 1477. Unfortunately, (1) the lie is what he con‐ siders 'of little consequence', (2) that was his response to a bit of truth I had posted, (3) he did not touch on anything I posted. I urge you to use the link above.
It will be quite remiss of me not to reiterate, the concept of god is just about 500 years old. Whom therefore have we been worshiping be‐ fore that? There wasn't anyone named "God", "Pharaoh", "Jesus", etc. If you are doubted, simply ask for the historical evidence, and its source. The KJV bible, where the concept of god was drilled into worshipers' minds, is a multi-descended derivative of the Hebrew bible. The Hebrew bible has over 6,800 instances of Yahweh. After the number of recycles of the Hebrew bible to the KJV bible, some‐

how the name of Yahweh disappeared, making way for god, whom nobody knows or can find. But people were certainly brutalized, mur‐ dered, and slaughtered during the Inquisition, to establish same. Be aware, from afar the man sharpening his cutlass at shoulder height can easily be mistaken for someone playing a violin. Do not continue to be fooled by that. Wherever I mention the word god, it is because of the environment within which I find myself.
Every opportunity that is given me to help our women know, or begin knowing how powerful they are, will also be exploited to the fullest. Even if it seems misplaced, it is not. We are working with Ethiopia, Mother of humankind. Hence everything is linked through Ethiopia.
If one is in true connection with nature, it follows that there is no gender di‐ chotomy. Women are not only treated as equals but are regarded as living agents (even portals) to the mysteries of nature and being. The very word mystery comes from "mesta” meaning "woman” in Egyptian. The scholar Max Muller wrote: No people ancient or modern has given woman so high a legal status as did the inhabitants of the Nile Valley ... The Egyptian women were entrusted with the civilization. The woman (princess), and not the male, was the legal heir to the throne, and the man she chose to marry would become the ruling Pharaoh. (Moustapha Gadalla, Historical Decep‐ tion) ... and the kingdom became dead and desert, for they lost the voices of the wells and the damsels that were therein. (The Elucidation), p.149 - Tsarion.
The Parallels
This work bears numerous direct parallels between Ethiopia and At‐ lantis which point to the fact of Ethiopia being Atlantis. There are nu‐ merous other parallels which I simply chose to ignore. There are other works which provide parallels from different perspectives as well. For instance, some works look at the Anunnaki. Other works look at the 'Serpents'. One work demonstrates how Ethiopia civilized and colonized Egypt, and during what period. Whereas another work demonstrates how Atlantis civilized and colonized Egypt, and during what period. Further research will show that the period mentioned

will have been the same for both Ethiopia and Atlantis. But let us not get ahead of ourselves.
Similar to my work with Egypt, the sole intention was to complete a work on Ethiopia. And so it began. While learning from Drusilla Dun‐ jee Houston's "Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire”, book 1, I had begun reading other works and articles on Ethiopia and other countries, in search of supplementary data which could have complemented what I had in hand. That was when I began seeing a commonality between Ethiopia and Atlantis. When I began reading "Atlantis, the Antediluvian World" by Ignatius Donnelly, to say the least I was absolutely stunned with the data compilation I was grow‐ ing. There was the distinct impression of a common history that was explicitly but individually shown. Although most of the names were different at times, traceable to same source, the stories remained common. I kept asking myself - why is Ethiopia's history reflected as Atlantis's history, and vice versa, through the ages? How can Ethiopia, so far on the east coast of Afruika have had a physical con‐ nection and common history with Atlantis on the west coast of Afruika? "The Riddle of It All" found later in this work may provide ample support to an understanding.
This work has been a tremendous investment for me. I have been enjoying myself, completing this work especially for you, and others like you. All I ask of you in return, please, is to share the work with others, as much as you can. And in turn, ask each person to do the same. Give someone else the opportunity to experience the truth knowing that Ethiopia is Atlantis. Chances are, they will be more than thankful, even as I am. Thank you ever so much!

Why this work?
This work has been completed to educate our children on Ethiopia, where humankind was born. That holds special emphasis for Afruikan children, who have suffered the most from the absence of the truth, and the inversion of truth before the rubbish was made known. The outcome of which generated the baggage of indignity. On discovering Ethiopia is Atlantis, the story exponentially expanded from its initial poise to the more significant head of the fountain. Risk has been pushed as close to zero as practical in order to not take the story outside of the children's scope, while presenting the story. Reiterating, if and when the bits of context seem overwhelming, please remember the children.
Of note - (1) Names and words that seem incorrect, are quoted as have been found in the references. (2) Apart from the Wandering Stranger reference I have used from Lionel Richie, the poems in this work belong to me. They are free to use for non-profit purposes. My critical 2018 and 2019 poems and articles are found on LinkedIn. I will be delighted if you join my network, ensuring easier access to what I write.
Story 2 - "Ethiopia is Atlantis!" will be a tremendous shock to most people. Although the white supremacists (whiteS) cannot change the Story of Afruika, that did not prevent him from working to change the world's perception of the Story of Afruika. I say this with special em‐ phasis on what he wants perceived while at the same time waging his wars on Afruika and her children. More so as encouraged by the institution of whiteS, and the derivative white privilege as its weapon of choice.
Especially for our young people, when mention is made of specific countries, do not relate in terms of current time or era. Logically, all the inhabitants of ancient times were black, Ethiopian black. You can

drop-by and have a decent look, and/or visit They were all Ethiopian black. That holds special emphasis for the countries outside the Afruikan continent, for there are those who will not only try to propagandize differently although they know the truth. They expect that you accept their lies and propaganda. Simple ques‐ tion - how did white people, or derivatives, get into the Story of Afruika before 1450 BC, when the white-man came out of his cave, just about 3,500 years ago?

Know Yourself
Telling Ourstory
Ethiopian black
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Culture of Ethiopians, and Atlanteans Chapter 3: Ethiopia, Ancient of the Ancient Civilizations Chapter 4: The Riddle of It All
Chapter 5: Civilizations of Atlantis
Chapter 6: The West to East migration of Ethiopia Chapter 7: Suppression of Ethiopia's Story Chapter 8: My Home
Chapter 9: The Creation of Humankind
Chapter 10: Ancient Gods, Ancient People Chapter 11: Ethiopian/Atlantean Technology Chapter 12: Defining Ethiopia/Atlantis - in brief Chapter 13: Pyramids, Egypt, and Semitics Chapter 14: A Different Perspective
Final Word
Quik-reference of some Parallels

How did it begin?
Chapter 1: The Beginning
This work simply began as Ourstory, on Ethiopia. Even as Ourstory on Ethiopia, the work was turning out to be quite a project after read‐ ing Drusilla Dunjee Houston’s "Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire, book 1". In search of additional data to possibly widen scope on Ethiopia, Ignatius Donnelly’s "Atlantis: The Antedilu‐ vian World” was discovered.
Research as I had done, I was unable to find any work on Ethiopia as well-defined as Drusilla Dunjee Houston’s "Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire, book 1". Similarly, I was unable to find any work on the history of Atlantis as I had browsed of Ignatius Donnelly’s "Atlantis: The Antediluvian World”. Having devoured Houston’s work, I began ingesting Donnelly’s work. But I've had cause to restart ingesting Donnelly’s work on a couple of occasions. Because of the similarities I began discovering in the stories.
Some Stories of Early Ethiopia
Bunsen says in his Philosophy of Ancient History, "The Hamitic family as Rawlinson proves must be given the credit for being the fountainhead of civilization. This family comprised the ancient Ethiopians, the Egyptians, the original Canaanites and the old Chaldeans", p.19 - Houston.
Bunsen concludes by saying, "Cushite colonies were all along the southern shores of Asia and Africa and by the archaeological re‐ mains, along the southern and eastern coasts of Arabia. The name Cush was given to four great areas, Media, Persia, Susiana and Aria, or the whole territory between the Indus and Tigris in prehistoric times ... In Africa the Ethiopians, the Egyptians, the Libyans, the Canaanites and Phoenicians were all descendants of Ham. They were a black or dark colored race and the pioneers of our civilization. They were emphatically the monument builders on the plains of Shinar and the valley of the Nile from Meroe to Memphis ... In Southern Arabia they erected wonderful edifices. They were responsible for the monuments

that dot southern Siberia and in America along the valley of the Mis‐ sissippi down to Mexico and in Peru their images and monuments stand a "voiceless witnesses" ... This was the ancient Cushite Empire of Ethiopians that covered three worlds, p.20 - Houston.
Then we have the view of Stephanus of Byzantium, that: "Ethiopia was the first established country on earth ... The vestiges of this early civi‐ lization have been found in Nubia, the Egyptian Sudan, West Africa, Egypt, Mashonaland, India, Persia, Mesopotamia, Arabia, South Amer‐ ica, Central America, Mexico, and the United States, p.4 - Jackson.
The stories of the "Arabian Nights," ... picture the activities and world wide scope, of Cushite civilization in the declining days of Ethiopian glory. Its scenes represent India, Persia, Arabia and Chaldea, which were primi‐ tively Cushite, in the decline of the Gold and Silver Ages of ancient tradi‐ tion, p.23 - Houston.
According to Dr. Pritchard, it is probable that the Barabra may be an off‐ shoot from the original stock that first peopled Egypt and Nubia. It was the Old Race of the higher civilization that ruled Egypt in the pre- dynastic ages. It was from this nation went forth the colonies that spread civilization. This old race of the Upper Nile, the Agu or Anu of the ancient traditions, spread their arts from Egypt to the Ægean, from Sicily to Italy and Spain. Mosso Angelo says that the characteristic dec‐ orations on the pottery of the Mediterranean race of prehistoric times is identical with that of pre-dynastic Egypt. Reisner in 1899 examined 1200 tombs in the Nile valley. He found the remains of a distinct race who buried their dead with legs doubled up against abdomen and tho‐ rax. This was an old Ethiopian form of burial, which preceeded em‐ balming and may be traced through ancient Cushite lands, p.49 - Houston.
Their chroniclers appropriated the glories and some of the exploits of the early kings of Ethiopia, because Arabia, Egypt, Chaldea, and India were colonies of the Cushite empire. Ethiopia was mother of them all and her rulers under various titles were their rulers. Modern histories speak of the Semitic conquest of Babylon as early as 4500 B.C. which is erroneous unless they explain that these Arabians were Cushite Arabians, another division of the race of the black Sumerians, p.121 - Houston.
Dr. Pritchard mentions Barabra. The word is variously derived from Berberi (i.e. Berbers) Hence given the context, Berber is interpreted as intended. Of course there are other countries shown

in this work not highlighted above, like Greece, Assyria, Babylon, etc. For a more effective appreciation of what the ancient people of the world looked like, I humbly suggest you visit See the images. Read the stories. Learn the truth.
The foregoing details the vastness in size and control of the Ethiopian Empire. The largest and greatest empire the world has ever known. The empire which civilized the world.
The stories continue,
... the ancient Cushite empire of Ethiopians, that covered three continents
and held unbroken sway for three thousand years, p.3 - Houston.
... the land of the "Golden Fleece" and the garden of the "Golden Apples of Hesperides" were but centers of the ancient race, that as Cushite Ethiopi‐ ans had extended themselves over the world, p.6 - Houston.
Rosenmuller shows us that the Hebrew scholars called Cush, all the countries of the torrid zone. It was the race that Huxley saw akin to the Dravidians of India, stretching in an empire from India to Spain. The Greeks described Ethiopia as the country around the Indus and Ganges. (Rosenmuller's Biblical Geography, Bk. III, p. 154.), p.17 - Hous‐ ton.
The average historical work ignores this testimony and disputes in its theories the records and monuments of Egypt and Chaldea. They group the races in utter contradiction to the records of the Greeks and Hebrews. In the light of reason, who would know about the ethnic re‐ lations of the ancients, the scholars and historians of Egypt, Chaldea and Greece, who are more and more corroborated by the findings of science, or the theories of the men of today? The modern writer whose research has been superficial does not know that before the days of Grecian and Roman ascendancy, the entire circle of the Mediterranean and her islands was dotted with the magic cities and the world-wide trade of Ethiopians, p.19 - Houston.
Heeren, whose researches furnish invaluable information to the later histo‐ rians says, "From the remotest times to the present, the Ethiopians have been the most celebrated and yet the most mysterious of na‐ tions. In the earliest traditions of the more civilized nations of antiq‐ uity, the name of this most distant people is found. The annals of the

Egyptian priests were full of them, and the nations of inner Asia on the Euphrates and the Tigris have woven the fictions of the Ethiopians with their own traditions of the wars and conquests of their heroes; and at a pe‐ riod equally remote they glimmer in Greek mythology." Dionysus, Her‐ cules, Saturn, Osiris, Zeus and Apollo were Cushite kings of the pre‐ historic ages. Around these and other Ethiopian deities the people of the Mediterranean and the Orient wove their mythologies. Prejudice and ignorance may have marked their deeds as fabulous but the im‐ perishable monuments that they left are not imaginary, p.24 - Houston.
Ancient traditions told of the deeds of Deva Nahusha, another sover‐ eign of Meru, who extended his empire over three worlds. The lost lit‐ erature of Asia Minor dealt with this extension of the Ethiopian do‐ main. An old poem "Phrygia," was a history of Dionysus, one of the most celebrated of the old Ethiopians. It was written in a very old lan‐ guage and character. He preceeded Menes by many ages. Baldwin says that the authentic works that would have given us the true history concern‐ ing him, perished long before the Hellenes, p.29 - Houston.
Reclus says, "The people occupying the plateau of the Blue Nile, are conscious of a glorious past and proudly call themselves Ethiopians." A great many nations distant and different from one another are called Ethiopians. Africa contains the greater number of them and a consid‐ erable tract in Asia was occupied by this race. It was the Cushite who was the head and brains of the foreign conquests. It was the Cushite element of the Old Empire that extended itself in foreign colonization eastward and westward around the world, p.36 - Houston.
The pictorial writing forming the basis of the cuneiform characters is unmistakably only a species of the hieroglyphics; the astronomy of Babylon is only a development of that of Egypt; its unit of measure, that is, the royal or architectural ell of 0·525 m., is completely identical with that of Egypt, which we find described on the walls up to the fourth millennium B.C.; its architecture, that is to say, its temples as well as its pyramids and obelisks, is an imperfect imitation of Egypt‐ ian originals; and so with the other arts. At every step we meet in Babylonia with the traces of the Egyptian models ... ", vol 2 p.521 - Massey.
The story coming out of Houston's work, is the story and glory of the Ethiopian or Cushite Empire. This work demonstrates that both indi‐ vidual stories are the same story told from the same glory, each from

a different perspective. For example,
Recall Houston saying,
Ptolemaic writers said that Egypt was formed of the mud carried down,
from Ethiopia, that Ethiopians were the first men that ever lived ... Egypt itself was a colony of Ethiopia, p.27 - Houston.
Whereas Donnelly places it this way,
... That the Egyptians, the oldest colony of Atlantis ... The Cushites
and Ethiopians, early branches of the Atlantean stock, took their name from their "sunburnt" complexion ..., p.194 - Donnelly.
And Massey seemingly confirming them to be both correct,
Ethiopia and Egypt produced the earliest civilization in the world and it was indigenous ... there is nothing beyond Egypt and Ethiopia but Africa, p.599 - Massey.
Ethiopians were the first men that ever lived. Egypt was formed of the mud carried down from Ethiopia. and There is nothing beyond Egypt and Ethiopia but Africa, says Ethiopia was created, then the Ethiopians created Egypt. They were therefore the first two countries in Afruika. The Egyptians, the oldest colony of Atlantis says Egypt was the first colony of Atlantis. But if Ethiopia and Egypt were the first two countries with Egypt a colony, and Egypt is the oldest/first colony of Atlantis, it goes without saying Ethiopia is Atlantis!
Donnelly's statement, Took their name from their "sunburnt" com‐ plexion, needs to be addressed before proceeding. The same holds true for red or brunet-brown people, lest there be misunderstanding and/or confusion, inadvertently or otherwise.
Amen-Ra, from whom a long line of Egyptian monarchs descended, was an Ethiopian god... with his blue-black complexion, p.64 - Houston.
In Africa the Ethiopians, the Egyptians, the Libyans, the Canaanites and Phoenicians were all descendants of Ham. They were a black or dark col‐ ored race and the pioneers of our civilization, p.20 - Houston.
"All the gods and goddesses of Greece were black," asserts Sir Godfrey Higgins, p.15 - Jackson.

A study of the images of ancient deities of both the Old and New Worlds re‐ veal their Ethiopic origin. From the wooly texture of the hair ... p.16 - Jack‐ son.
Genesis 1:26 - (And God said) Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Genesis 1:27 - God created man in his own image.
I fail to see or appreciate how "blue-black” or black gods created us in their image and likeness, yet we were created "sunburnt”, "red", or "brunet-brown". How can that be even remotely possible? More on that under "skin-color", at page 100.
Some Stories of Early Atlantis
Since The great Ethiopian or Cushite Empire, was the empire of At‐ lantis, it remains objective to simply list Donnelly's colonies of At‐ lantis, instead of attempting to repeat the stories. Additionally, the stories will play out themselves as the work progresses.
The Central American and Mexican Colonies, p.348. The Egyptian Colony, p.358.
The Colonies of the Mississippi Valley, p.370.
The Iberian Colonies of Atlantis, p.387.
The Peruvian Colony, p.390.
The African Colonies, p.404.
The Irish Colonies, p.408.
The Aryan Colonies from Atlantis, p.456.
in all actuality, although the description in the foregoing has been quite extensive, the as Cushite Ethiopians had extended themselves over the world, would have been sufficiently adequate to cover the Stories of Early Atlantis.
The Barbary States
Whence this name Atlas, if it be not from the name of the great king of At‐ lantis? And if this be not its origin, how comes it that we find it in the most north-western corner of Africa? And how does it happen that in the time of Herodotus there dwelt near this mountain-chain a people called the Atlantes, probably a remnant of a colony from Solon's island? How comes it that the people of the Barbary States were known to the

The people of the Barbary States and the Carthaginians (Hannibal the Great, etc) were Ethiopians. They were called the Atlantes by the Greeks, and Romans. Ethiopians who are Atlantes, as of Atlantis, in‐ dicate Ethiopia is Atlantis!
The term Barbary Coast emphasizes the Berber coastal regions and cities throughout the middle and western coastal regions of North Africa ... what is now modern nations of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya. The English term "Barbary" (and its European varieties: Bar‐ baria, Berbérie, etc.) referred mainly to the entire Berber lands including non-coastal regions, deep into the African continent, as seen in European geographical and political maps published during the 17th...20th centuries -
This compelling work easily demonstrates, beyond any shadow of doubt, Ethiopia is Atlantis. The encouragement is subsequently of‐ fered for anyone to publicly disprove this work. Let the world know the truth.
As will be demonstrated in the "Riddle of it All", when Ethiopia and Atlantis were one landmass, Ethiopia resided on the north-western coast of the Afruikan continent, before its migration through said con‐ tinent. And the name "Ethiopia" may not have been.
In the Chaldean inscriptions the vernacular name of Ethiopia was Mirukh, p.169 - Houston.
The idea of Ethiopia is conceived, developed, and propagated by African diaspora intellectuals in response to colonial oppression. It was an idea in‐ tended to challenge the falsification and silencing of the African past as part
Greeks, Romans, and Carthaginians as the "At‐ lantes," this name being es‐ pecially applied to the inhabi‐ tants of Fezzan and Bilma? Where did they get the name from? There is no etymology for it east of the Atlantic Ocean. (Lenormants "Anc.
 Hist. of the East," p. 253), p.172 Donnelly.

of colonization, p.1 - Bekerie.
This work reveals one of the most important parts of the Afruikan Story, that has been silenced for so long, it still baffles the world into questioning whether it is truth or myth. This work shows beyond any‐ one's imagination that Atlantis is not a myth, that Atlantis did in fact exist on the north-western coast of the Afruikan continent. Beyond demonstrating Atlantis existed on the north-western coast of Afruika, this work demonstrates that Atlantis existed as the same landmass as Ethiopia, on the north-western coast of Afruika. This work demon‐ strates that Ethiopia and Atlantis are the same people. Beyond any doubt therefore, this work explicitly demonstrates Ethiopia is At‐ lantis!

Chapter 2: Culture of Ethiopians, and Atlanteans
I am a wandering stranger
Lost and all alone.
I am a million miles away.
I know you’re waiting for me
To come home again.
But I am searching for an answer.
Please try to understand.
Some day we can make it.
Help me if you can.
Map of the Ancient World
Lionel Richie
Our story will deal with the ancient Cushite empire of Ethiopians, that covered three continents and held unbroken sway for three thousand years, p.2 - Houston. Then to the Berbers of North Africa, another branch of the Cushite race. Some scientists have called them the descendents of the "People of Atlantis", p.3 - Houston. It was the ancient Cushite empire
 of Ethiopians, which weighty authorities tell us ruled over three continents for thousands of years, p.16 - Houston.
In the latter days of the Egyptian empire, the priestcraft and soldiers retired and set up a new capital at Napata; but the days of world empire were over, which empire had lasted, some authorities say, for six thousand years, p.102 - Houston.
Our story will deal with the ancient Cushite empire of Ethiopians... Then to the Berbers of North Africa, another branch of the Cushite race clearly indicates, the indigenous Berbers are Ethiopians. Some

scientists have called them the descendents of the "People of At‐ lantis". Descendents of the "People of Atlantis" similarly says the in‐ digenous Berbers are Atlanteans. We are left with the Berbers who are Ethiopians, are also Atlanteans. One people, known by two dif‐ ferent names. Further indication of Ethiopia is Atlantis!
The Indigenous Berber, Indigenous Akans
... then to the Berbers of North Africa, another branch of the Cushite race. Some scientists have called them the descendents of the "Peo‐ ple of Atlantis", p.3 - Houston.
Keane concludes by saying, "All Barbara have wooly hair with scant beards like the figures of Negroes on the walls of the Egyptian tem‐ ples." The race of the Old Empire approached closely to this type, p.34 - Houston.
The Akan people were the tribal group that imagined, created, and de‐ veloped the Ancient Egyptian civilization, p.230 - Darkwah.
But, the Ethiopians are the people who created Egypt. Recall, Egypt 33
was created from the mud that ran down from Ethiopia. This explic‐ itly says the indigenous Akans are Ethiopians.
The ancient Berbers were indigenous, black, Ethiopians/Atlanteans. They were even called 'blue' people. That should demonstrate the in‐ tensity of their black skin-color. What obtains today is of a vastly dif‐ ferent construct. The image of an indigenous Berber (upper left), shows an Ethiopian with an infectious smile. Notice the black color of the flawless skin. The skin-color is not red, brunette-brown, or any other distraction seeking a cause.
The Indigenous Ethiopian, Indigenous Moroccans
The image of creation
After many failures the perfect-model Adamu is attained ... Ninki, Enki's spouse, helps fashion Ti-Amat, a female Earthling, p.128 - Sitchin.
Now this is the account of how Adamu by name was called ... And how Ti- Amat as a counterpart female for him was fashioned, p.139 - Sitchin.
Her skin smooth was, as that of the Anunnaki in smoothness and color it was, p.142 - Sitchin.
Ninki cast her hand upon the newborn's body, with her fingers her skin she caressed. Ti-Amat let her name be, the Mother of Life! ... Now this is the account of Adamu and Ti-Amat in the Edin, p.143 - Sitchin.
A new kind of Earthling from my seed has been created, in my image and after my likeness, p.168 - Sitchin.
... the Rmoahal race came into existence between four and five million years ago, p.35 - Scott-Elliot.

It has been shown "The early indigenous population was partly black ...". Apart from the effects of (high)lighting, does any of the images above look "partly black"? If they were "partly black", there should be works otherwise which describe what the other part(s) was (were). This is not aimed at Houston's wonderful work, but from whence came "partly black". It is befuddling. How can the early indigenous population be partly black? What brought the dilution of the color black? There is an old saying in the Caribbean especially, "That man black till he blue". That ages-old saying perpetuates. Is there any that says "That man black till he brunet-brown"?
There are those who insist the Ethiopians were 'red', 'brunette- brown', and other such imaginatively colorful aspirations which have absolutely nothing to do with the Ethiopians, but to satisfy someone's racist agenda. Bekerie's "black skin" of the Ethiopian perfectly matches the black skin of the indigenous Berber, shown earlier. The ancient Berbers, descendants of Atlanteans, were Ethiopians.
On Donnelly's "sunburnt”, page 29, the apparent probability exists because of his apparent racial prejudice. Small wonder if any, why the people who saw them referred to the indigenous Ethiopians as 'Blue' or sometimes 'Purple'. That was the extent of the 'blackness' of their skin, not "sunburnt". Ptolemaic writers said that Ethiopians were the first men that ever lived, the only truly autochthonous race. As in‐ dicated in the image, the Ethiopians were black in skin-color. Thus her skin smooth was, as that of the Anunnaki in smoothness and color says the Anunnaki were also black in skin-color. If the Anun‐ naki were the gods creating humankind in their image and likeness, a challenge is presented in understanding how the Anunnaki could have been 'red' and created black Adamu and Ti-Amat (biblical Adam and Eve), in their image and likeness. That holds special em‐ phasis for Eve. The white man exited his cave approximately 3,500 years ago. How therefore was a white Eve able to be Adam's mate,

taking into consideration Adam (originally Adamu) was created over 1,000,000 years before?
The Greeks associated the origin of astronomy with Atlas and Hercules, At‐ lantean kings or heroes. The Egyptians regarded Taut or Thot, or At-hotes, as the originator of both astronomy and the alphabet, p.454 - Donnelly.
In the Emerald tablets of Thot, as narrated by Thot, it is highlighted that Thot (the Ethiopian) ruled Egypt for 16,000 years, beginning at 52,000 BC. When Thot arrived in Egypt, he described the Egyptians as barbaric. Going back to other writers like the Ptolemaic writers, Proclus, etc, Egypt was civilized by Ethiopia. Taaut/Thot was the god given Egypt to civilize. Thot had been the Ethiopian god the Greeks called Atlas or Hercules the Atlantean king. Thot had been both an Ethiopian king and an Atlantean god.
M. de Bohn tells us in Early Cushite Navigation, that the Cushite Ethiopians in primitive ages were a commercial people. It was due to their conquest of the sea that they so early covered three continents with colonies. With their ships they had in ancient days circumnavi‐ gated the globe, bequeathing maps, charts, and nautical instruments to their cousins and successors the Phoenicians, who called them‐ selves Ethiopians. Cushite supremacy was everywhere marked by progress in the industries and science, with myths peculiar and/origi‐ nal to the Cushite mind, p.169, - Houston.
Despite noted instances of Ethiopia's greatness, for instance Early Cushite Navigation, that the Cushite Ethiopians ... a commercial peo‐ ple ... so early covered three continents with colonies, Cushite su‐ premacy was everywhere marked by progress in the industries and science, with myths peculiar and/original to the Cushite mind, 'learned' people and 'experts' continuously attempt to fool the world into believing 'Afruika made no contribution to the world', 'Afruika has no history', etc, public display of fantastic lies and unchecked non‐ sense.

Domestication of Animals
Ancient Africans yoked the wild ox, tamed the cow, the horse and sheep. This is why animals play such an important part in the old Cushite mythol‐ ogy, p.56 - Houston.
... When the Chaldeans first appear they were driving horses hitched to ve‐ hicles, p.200 - Houston.
Our story will deal with the ancient Cushite empire of Ethiopians, that cov‐ ered three continents and held unbroken sway for three thousand years, p.2 - Houston.
Poseidon, the first king of Atlantis ... "He was the first to train and employ horses;" that is to say, his people first domesticated the horse ... Posei‐ don ... carried in his hand a three-pronged symbol, the trident, doubtless an emblem of the three continents that were embraced in the empire of Atlantis, p.304 - Donnelly.
"The ancient Cushite empire of Ethiopians, that covered three conti‐ nents and held unbroken sway for three thousand years" and "Posei‐ don ... carried in his hand a three-pronged symbol, the trident, doubt‐ less an emblem of the three continents that were embraced in the empire of Atlantis" suggest the Ethiopians ruled three continents and the Atlanteans ruled the same three continents. Ancient cartography demonstrates the three continents as the only continents existent. Thus the same people who ruled the three continents, were de‐ scribed by the different names Ethiopians, and Atlanteans. And hence Ethiopia is Atlantis!
"There is nothing beyond Egypt and Ethiopia but Africa", p.599 - Massey.
This suggests the Ethiopians and Egyptians were the first people in Afruika, thus ancient Afruikans. But recalling what the Ptolemaic writ‐ ers said, the Ethiopians were the first people created, and they in turn created Egypt, making the Ethiopians the ancient of the an‐ cients.
Ancient Africans (Ethiopians) tamed the horse, is an instance of first time. They domesticated the horse. Poseidon, the first king of At‐

lantis was the first to train and employ horses, is an instance of first time. Thus the Ancient Africans, and Poseidon, were the first to tame the horse. This can only be true, if Poseidon was an Ancient African. Poseidon was an Ethiopian god, inherently an Ancient African and the first king of Atlantis. Thus, the Ethiopians tamed the horse, and Poseidon was the first to train and employ horses is another indica‐ tion of Ethiopians being Atlanteans. Hence Ethiopia is Atlantis!
Domestication of Plants
Ancient Africans (Ethiopians) ... These indefatigable men domesticated wheat, barley, oats, rye and rice, in fact all the staple plants of our civ‐ ilization were fully developed so far back in the distant ages, that their wild species have disappeared, p.56 - Houston.
... the domesticated plants are only found within the limits of what I shall show hereafter was the Empire of Atlantis and its colonies; for only here was to be found an ancient, long-continuing civilization, capable of developing from a wild state those plants which were valuable to man, including all the cereals on which to-day civilized man depends for subsistence ... The inference is strong that the great cereals- wheat, oats, barley, rye, and maize-must have been first domesticated in a vast antiquity, or in some continent which has since disappeared, carrying the original wild plants with it, p.61 - Donnelly.
Some one civilized race of prehistoric times had tamed the domestic ani‐ mals; for when the curtain of history was raised we find them in attendance upon man. With the same infinite patience, this race developed wild plants into tamed fruits and cereals. The Cushite was the only race that could have performed this service, for the other races in historic times despised agriculture, p.55 - Houston.
Ancient Africans (Ethiopians) were the indefatigable men who do‐ mesticated wheat, barley, oats, rye and rice, in fact all the staple plants of our civilization. But, the inference is strong that the great cereals-wheat, oats, barley, rye, and maize-must have been first do‐ mesticated in a vast antiquity, or in some continent which has since disappeared. Atlantis is the continent which has since disappeared. We are left with the Ethiopians, who first domesticated wheat, barley,
oats, rye and rice, and the strong inference of the Atlanteans as the people who first domesticated wheat, oats, barley, rye, and maize. there is only one logical approach where the Ethiopians could have domesticated wheat, barley, oats, rye, and the Atlanteans domesti‐ cated wheat, oats, barley, rye. That approach clearly says Ethiopia is Atlantis!

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