Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed resists calls for peace talks amid Tigray conflict

Tuesday November 17, 2020 - 04:03:55 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed resists calls for peace talks amid Tigray conflict

    Ethiopia's leader has resisted pressure from foreign leaders to begin peace talks, amid a war in the country's north that has spilled into neighbouring Eritrea.

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Ethiopia's leader has resisted pressure from foreign leaders to begin peace talks, amid a war in the country's north that has spilled into neighbouring Eritrea.
This latest round of fighting threatens to destabilise the entire region. A peace deal between Eritrea and Ethiopia was only signed last year – leading to theEthiopian prime minister Abiy Ahmed being awarded the Nobel Peace prize.

Government forces are fighting regional next leaders in the northern region of Tigray, which borders Eritrea and Sudan. Hundreds have died in recent weeks. Officials in Tigray say there was a loud explosion in the region’s capital, Mekelle, this morning The fighting has forced hundreds of thousands of people from their homes.

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