Heavy downpours destroy over 20 houses in Galkayo

Wednesday June 04, 2014 - 13:50:04 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Heavy downpours destroy over 20 houses in Galkayo

    Torrential rains have on Tuesday night reportedly destroyed more than 20 makeshift houses in several IDP camps in Galkayo town, the provincial capital of Mudug region.

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Torrential rains have on Tuesday night reportedly destroyed more than 20 makeshift houses in several IDP camps in Galkayo town, the provincial capital of Mudug region.

Abdi-madobe is the chief of Hiran IDP Camp in Galkayo and he told Sunatimes that last night’s heavy rains have completely destroyed over 10 houses in his camp alone.

He added that similar cases of destruction have also been reported from other IDP camps in the town.

He asked for immediate supplies of rain tents, food and water for the affected families in his camp as well as other camps in the town.

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