Puntland arrests 9 pirates in Eyl

Monday November 28, 2011 - 04:30:38 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Puntland arrests 9 pirates in Eyl

    Hersi reiterated that his administration is committed to arrest

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Hersi reiterated that his administration is committed to arrest

Garowe (Sunatimes) Puntland administration’s security forces have arrested nine pirates in the northern outskirt of Eyl district in Somalia’s Nugal region, during two day operation, officials said on Sunday.

Puntlandspokesman, Ahmed Omar Hesri, told reportrs that the arrested men caught with weapons, speedboats, ladders,fuel barrels, a compass and satellite phone.

The official said the arrested pirates were initially based in and escaped from the coastal Hobyo district in southern Mudug region, fearing NATO air patrols and fled northward to Eyl District.

Hersi reiterated that his administration is committed to arrest anyone involved in piracy, regardless of who they are, and to bring piracy suspects to justice.

Puntland authority is part of the international efforts, to end piracy activates in Indian Ocean coast.

By Rooble Dirir

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